Qui décide des menus à la cantine ?

par | Sep 17, 2022 | Ressources scolaires | 0 commentaires

Une question que se posent de nombreux parents est de savoir qui décide des menus à la cantine. Il est important de comprendre que les menus sont décidés par une équipe de professionnels afin de garantir une alimentation équilibrée et adaptée aux besoins des enfants. Les menus sont élaborés en tenant compte de différents critères nutritionnels et sont soumis à l’approbation d’un nutritionniste.


Menu planning in schools: who makes the decisions?

Schools provide an important service to families by offering children a place to eat during the day. However, there is often a debate about who should make the decisions about what is served in school cafeterias. Some people argue that the school administrators should make the decisions, while others argue that the parents should have a say in what their children are eating.

There are a few factors to consider when making the decision about who should make the menu decisions for schools. The first is the nutritional needs of the students. It is important that the food served in schools is nutritious and will help the students to grow and learn. The second factor is the cost of the food. It is important that the school district can afford the food that is being served. The third factor is the preferences of the students. It is important to consider what the students like to eat and to make sure that they are getting the food that they enjoy.

Ultimately, the decision about who should make the menu decisions for schools is a difficult one. There are pros and cons to both the school administrators and the parents having a say in the matter. It is important to consider all of the factors when making the decision and to make sure that the students are getting the food that they need to be healthy and happy.


The importance of healthy eating in schools: who decides what children eat?

« The importance of healthy eating in schools: who decides what children eat? »

It is no secret that what we eat has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on healthy eating and its importance, especially for children. While it is important for parents to educate their children about healthy eating habits, schools also play a vital role in shaping children’s eating habits.

So, who decides what children eat at school? In most cases, it is the school canteen staff who are responsible for menu planning and preparing meals. However, there are a few schools who have implemented a ‘healthy eating policy’, which means that a team of teachers, parents and health professionals work together to decide what food is served in the canteen.

Whichever approach is taken, it is important that the food served in schools is healthy and nutritious. This is because children spend a large portion of their day at school and they need to have the energy to learn and play. A healthy diet also helps to reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

There are a few simple ways to make sure that the food served in schools is healthy and nutritious. For example, meals should be made from fresh, whole ingredients and should be cooked from scratch. Processed and sugary foods should be limited, and children should be offered a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

It is also important to provide children with information about healthy eating. This can be done through lessons in the classroom, as well as through posters and displays in the canteen. By teaching children about the importance of healthy eating, we can help them to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.


The role of parents in menu planning for schools

The role of parents in menu planning for schools is an important one. Parents need to be involved in the menu planning process so that they can make sure that their children are getting the nutrients they need. Parents also need to be able to help their children make healthy choices when it comes to food.

Parents should be involved in the menu planning process so that they can provide input on what their children should be eating. Menu planning for schools is a complex process, and it is important that parents have a say in what their children are eating. Parents should also be involved in menu planning so that they can help their children make healthy choices when it comes to food.

Menu planning for schools is an important process, and parents need to be involved in it. Parents can provide input on what their children should be eating, and they can help their children make healthy choices when it comes to food.


The importance of nutrition in schools: who decides what children eat?

L’alimentation scolaire est un enjeu important de la santé publique. En effet, selon l’OMS, les enfants et les adolescents représentent 22% de la population mondiale et consomment 38% des aliments produits dans le monde. De plus, les habitudes alimentaires acquises durant l’enfance ont tendance à perdurer tout au long de la vie. C’est pourquoi il est essentiel de veiller à ce que les enfants aient accès à une alimentation saine et équilibrée à l’école.

The importance of nutrition in schools: who decides what children eat?

School food is a major issue of public health. Indeed, according to the WHO, children and adolescents represent 22% of the world’s population and consume 38% of the food produced in the world. In addition, dietary habits acquired during childhood tend to persist throughout life. That is why it is essential to ensure that children have access to healthy and balanced food at school.

In France, the school canteen is a service provided by the municipality to pupils of compulsory school age attending public or private schools under contract. It is managed by a catering company, under the supervision of the school headteacher. The canteen service must offer pupils a meal that is varied, balanced and compliant with the provisions of the France’s National Education Code. The canteen menu must be approved by a dietitian. It must be posted in a visible place in the canteen and must be sent to parents at the beginning of each school year.

The school canteen menu must offer pupils a meal that is varied, balanced and compliant with the provisions of the France’s National Education Code. The canteen menu must be approved by a dietitian. It must be posted in a visible place in the canteen and must be sent to parents at the beginning of each school year.


The role of the school canteen in menu planning

The school canteen has a crucial role to play in menu planning. In most schools, the canteen manager is responsible for developing the menus and working with the school kitchen staff to ensure that meals are nutritious and well-balanced.

The canteen manager will consult with the school’s nutritionist to ensure that the menus meet the nutritional needs of the students. They will also take into account the likes and dislikes of the students, as well as any allergies or dietary requirements.

The canteen manager will work with the school kitchen staff to develop recipes that are both nutritious and appealing to the students. They will also be responsible for ordering the necessary ingredients and ensuring that the kitchen is well-equipped to prepare the meals.

The school canteen plays a vital role in ensuring that students have access to nutritious and well-balanced meals. By working closely with the school’s nutritionist and kitchen staff, the canteen manager can ensure that the menus meet the needs of the students and are appealing to them.


Il est important que les menus des cantines soient équilibrés et adaptés aux besoins des enfants. Cependant, il semble que ce soit souvent les établissements scolaires qui décident des menus, et non les parents. Cela peut poser des problèmes, car les enfants peuvent ne pas aimer ce qui leur est servi, et ils peuvent finir par manger moins bien. Il serait donc préférable que les parents aient plus de say dans ce qui est servi à leurs enfants à la cantine.